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Project Overview


Any millennial in Indonesia must have known the legendary Hoka Hoka Bento. Ask your parents, we bet they brought you in for a family lunch on a sunny Sunday many years ago. But how actually is HokBen now?

HokBen have add a bit of experimental new menu throughout the years, and they’re keen to launch their newest meal: Ramen. ECHO jumped in to develop a launch party for HokBen. Through #NgerameninHokBen, we invite younger generations and their friends to wholeheartedly enjoy ramen date in the store and try out many new mouth-watering meals!

The idea is to keep the dine-in store busy and re-introduce the warmth of HokBen across generations. The video campaign highlights all sorts of fun, refreshing and happy energy you can share with your loved ones, slurping a bowl of ramen only at HokBen!




Client’s Name



Scope Of Work


Digital Video and Campaign Development



Digital Video, Social Media Management & KOL Management